i like
happy tree friends
i like
happy tree friends
i like the bo noise the video game
Good art
O cholra cy t freby fazr
-=Familiar Gremlin=-
Hey, I know this guy!
It's a frogge! A frogge bip a smal beaste wip foure leggys, whyche liuep boop in watyre and on londe. It is broune or grene or yelowe, or be it tropyckal, he may haue dyuers coloures. It hap longys and guilles boope. It hacchep from an ey and it pan ys a tadpolle. It growep to ben a frogge, if it pan ne be noght eten.
And his name is Jimmy Neytron
He rummaging through your garbage bin because he want to find scrap metal and other goods. He has 1 day to meet the profit quota.
Omg, is that Bo Noisette?
And reference to "Scream" painting?(I dont rember how Its actually called)
Nope, this is just a redraw of a scene in New Student Starfish from Spongebob S3.
Peprerman face is funny😂
Anyways, good job!
This Perreman is so good
Goofy Cook.
So, I see you're a pro art maker. Keep beating bosses with a juicy P rank and drawing these legendary arts.